About Me
Meticulous. Persistent. Proven.
Hire me to conduct your research when results matter.
Research. It's what I love most and do best. After two decades in politics and media – more than half that time as an investigative journalist (with real product and awards to back up the boast) – my focus is now on that one key career segment: research.
That means you can now hire me to work behind the scenes.

Ego Fluff:
If you've paid any attention to Kentucky's media and political landscape since 2000, you're likely already familiar with my work. If not, you've seen or experienced the results of my work without realizing it. I'm good at what I do and am confident in that. You can read all about it in more than 20,000 stories at PageOneKentucky.com and TheVilleVoice.com.
Whether it's breaking open major scandals at the University of Louisville (Robert Felner - google him! - or read my work) or uncovering political dirt on people like (now) Senator Rand Paul, I've accomplished quite a bit.

I don't take myself too seriously and feel self-centered writing something like this. So let's pull from my former bio, dated as it may be:
Insufferable. Well-hated. Commentator. Entrepreneur-Type. Nice guy. Scary. Provocateur. That’s Jake! And that’s how he’s been recently described. Otherwise known as Jacob Payne, he’s a certifiable geek (of the Apple Fanboy variety), a political nerd and a registered Independent — counting numerous high-ranking Democratic and Republican officials and operators as regular readers. He’s a native of Eastern Kentucky and Louisville transplant who likes to talk about those two regions a lot.
A former political consultant and campaign finance professional, Jake’s a regular guest and go-to guy for media in Kentucky and his work has been featured on every news program and in every publication under the sun. Whether focused on uncovering political scandal, spotting corruption in higher education or making a government audit funny, he’s the Commonwealth’s very own scandal sheet writer. The love-him-or-hate-him guy that government, law enforcement and media rely on for the latest news.
As seen on MSNBC, CNN, FOX or a station near you. Also seen in the New York Times, Washington Post, Talking Points Memo, The Nation, Chronicle of Higher Education, your local paper and all up in your technology.